Designated as “BC’s Best Sports Town” the hard working sports minded town of 7,200 features numerous world class sports facilities, deluxe accommodation options and shopping opportunities from big box stores to a pedestrian friendly downtown core. The compact nature of Trail has all sporting facilities located near to hotels, dining and shopping. The City is home to Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital, the largest diagnostic and acute care hospital in the West Kootenay region. This sports>
Our Communities
Canada’s Alpine City, Rossland is classic small town Canada and a true mountain town located high in the Monashee Mountains at 1,030 metres (3,400 feet) elevation (Canada’s second highest elevation city). The compact mountainside community features a bustling and lively main street featuring 4 blocks of heritage mining era buildings that have been preserved and inhabited by truly unique boutique shops, restaurants and services run by friendly locals. Maintaining a true small yet bustling>
The Village of Fruitvale, located in southern British Columbia’s beautiful West Kootenays, is the heart of the Beaver Valley where community spirit is our lifestyle.
Fruitvale is the hometown of 2003 NHL Rookie of the Year Barrett Jackman, 1996 NHL Stanley Cup winner Adam Deadmarsh and World Cup Skier Diana (Dee Dee) Haight.
As a "sports minded" community, Fruitvale is also home to the Junior B Cyclone Taylor Cup winning Beaver Valley Nite Hawks Hockey Club, Beaver Valley>